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Thursday, 21 June 2012

Belated Father's Day present

 This past week and a half, I have been off the internet, and guiltily hiding away at home away from my dad each time he has come up to the house to walk our dog, Evie.  I do extend a big apology to those who sent me comments on my blog which I only now got around to publishing.  The reason????    Father’s Day last Sunday!!!

A couple of years ago my dad was diagnosed with diabetes, so each Christmas and Birthday have given us a dilemma...what to get him.    At Christmas Steve and I arranged with the kids to buy an empty basket and fill it up with diabetes foods, shower gels, dvd and a small bottle of whiskey slipped in.  So, why do I get the ideas late into the day, leaving me with little time of the perfect present for him, that is sugar free, not tasteless and not the usual presents we seem to purchase because we cannot think of anything else.

My brainwave was to complete one of my work in progress, which had been tucked away for 4 years,  3 labrador puppies chewing an old boot.....on the Thursday before Father’s Day. 

What the end result was going to be
On Friday, I sat hidden away in my bedroom from 9.30 am until 10 pm with a few breaks in between.   I heard my dad come into the house to take Evie out for a walk and when he telephoned me on my mobile phone I had to switch the television off and guiltily pretend that I was out.
and how much had been stitched so far
Saturday, Steve and I usually take the kids out for dinner, its our one day a week we don't cook and I sat in the pub with my cross stitch, stitching like crazy.  I did get on well, but as we had one young person sleeping out with friends, one at his family home for contact, I had a vodka or two.  Trouble was, I then had a telephone call from my brother to say he was celebrating his divorce at our local pub that night, so the stitching went out of the window and I joined him with a few of us getting through 4 bottles of champagne to celebrate his new found freedom.
Sunday, I did eventually get on with the cross stitch, albeit towards the end of the day when I felt I would be able to concentrate.  I felt guilty when I just gave my dad a card, saying that his present would be with him later and regretted going out the previous night.
After stitching from Monday, today, I finally managed to complete all the stitching and backstitch at 4 pm, and whilst Steve cooked dinner, I cut my template out and started stitching on the machine.  9 pm tonight I was able to take the finished article down to him as my parents are going away tomorrow for the weekend and he loves it.

The end result

I am so glad with the final piece!!!

So, now I have 5 months to plan for his birthday and 6 months for Christmas.....although, what’s the betting that I yet again leave it until the last minute!!!!!!

As for my other work in progress, that has taken a back seat, although we are going away again in the motorhome on Saturday, for a week’s holiday (free holiday I won) it will be coming with me and whilst the kids are at school during the day I will be relaxing and stitching.


  1. OH, it's beautiful, Lisa and I am sure your Father will always treasure your lovely and thoughtful gift and give not a second thought to it being a wee bit late ~ Your needle must have been smoking when you put in the last stitch ~ and the finishing is lovely indeed. I don't know how you managed to get any stitching done at all at the pub ~ I don't think I could have ~ I enjoyed visiting your lovely blog ~
    Blessings in stitches~

  2. I love how you finished your WIP into a pillow...that is so do beautiful finishes.

    I am now a follower of your Blog.

    I would like for you to be a follower on mine as well too.

    I belong to the Christian Cross Stitch group in case you don't know who I am.

  3. Love your Dad's pillow it is beautiful and am sure he loves it.


  4. Your dad's gift turned out beautifully! I'm always making gifts at the last minute too.

  5. Lisa,
    What a fantastic idea...even a little bit late! I'm sure he thought it was worth the wait. The puppies are so cute.
    Also thanks for the pillow idea. I am shame going to shamelessly copy your finish when I do my Grand Daughter's Bday pillow.

    Sally S

  6. What a wonderful gift, I am sure he was more thank pleased. You did a great job finishing it into a pillow.

  7. Well done on a beautiful finish Lisa .... I am sure your dad was thrilled to bits with this ...

    Val x

  8. I love it, it's gorgeous, and what a lovely present for your dad. x

  9. Lovely finish, Lisa. It's beautiful! Your dad must have loved it! And as for the last minute stitching, we've all been there! Thanks for sharing!

    Melissa J.

  10. I am sure your Dad loves his present , I too leave things to the last minute

  11. A thoughtfull and beautifull father's day present

  12. What a wonderful gift! It's so cute!

    - Lisa N. in Cambodia

  13. It truly is beautiful! Congratulations!

  14. Congrats on your finish. Better late than never!
