Firstly, thank you for all the comments made on my father’s day cushion, my dad loves it and it is sitting in pride of place on the top of their sofa as he dare not use it as a cushion. I could not reply to each one as usual as we were away in the motorhome and whilst I can use my mobile phone, it is quicker on the laptop to type.
Before I went away, I did complete another cushion, for Victoria's birthday. At the minute I have not stuffed it with an inner cushion as I can hide it away easier from her prying eyes.
Our trip away did come with surprises, especially at the end and both our own two children were away from us during the week at some stage. Ben, our son had work experience, so he stayed for the weekend and then stayed with my parents during the week, and on the Wednesday, Victoria went to Belgium with her school around the war graves and to the Menin Gate in Ypres for a two day visit. She did enjoy it and it was quite enjoyable to hear the young people were respectful when paying their respects to those who have fought for our countries, especially during the evening Last Post ceremony that is held there each evening.
But we did not return home without some drama affecting us. Our youngest looked after child came down with spots on the Friday night, which at first we thought was due to heat rash. However, on the Saturday after getting an emergency appointment with the local doctor it was confirmed he had come down with Chicken Pox. Whilst our own two had already suffered Chicken Pox our two other young people had not and were very wary and cautious. Luckily, no more outbreaks in the household have developed. The other issue was our washing machine, which after the 6th load it started to spew out washing powder mid load, luckily it is still working.
My poor sick washing machine |
This week I thought I would be lucky to continue with my stitching, but one of our young people moved into independence on Tuesday and most of Tuesday and Wednesday was spent repainting the bedroom and sourcing new bedding and beds as these were needed. In fact, we’ve been so busy, it was not until yesterday we remembered today is our 12th wedding anniversary, so for both Steve and myself, it was a last minute dash down town to get each other a card and small gift each. And finally, whilst everybody here are looking forward to the end of the school term, our youngest daughter is looking forward to her last week at Primary school. Whilst I have been writing this blog we have also been designing a scented cushion to make for both her teachers. Victoria's orders and my quick work on getting the design made up of what she wants.
So today, I have spent my wedding anniversary starting my next cushion project, on behalf of my mum for our local vicar. He and his family are leaving to go to another parish after 15 years. The hardest part was the shields and boat symbol on the church to design but hopefully, this will turn out ok when I stitch it.
The completed design
A close up of the dreaded shields and boat
The actual sign at the church |
By tonight, when I go to bed, it will be stitched or almost stitched up ready for me to get the material and whizz up a cushion on the sewing machine. For the stitching I purchased some different threads to use other than the DMC that I usually purchase, so it will be interesting to see how the final result turns out. My mother chose the brown threads to go with his furniture.
The new threads |
Will be strange to think my youngest will be starting high school in September, and our son will be in his final year there. Victoria is going to spend the last week of the current school term at high school with Ben to get used to the change. So, I now know my place for the next week......stitching and less time on the internet.