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Saturday, 4 January 2014

Happy New Year

So 2013 has come to a close and a New Year is upon us.  Welcome to 2014 and I wonder what it will bring for me with my stitching, business and home life.  Looking back to the post I did last year it looks as though I have only managed to stick to one of my resolutions which is sad but I suppose ACTUALLY sticking to one is better than none.

This also made me wonder, how many people who read what I have written on my blog actually manage to  make and stick to their resolutions and what they were.

Instead of making resolutions this year, looking on the internet I found a quote by Lao Tzu .  I do love motivational quotes, especially as starting up Created With Stitches has been a journey with many steps, hurdles and learning curves; and continues to do so.   Whilst the fostering is undertaken by both me and my husband, looking back at all the photos of the cushions  I have made, I am really pleased that this is something I can say "I did that myself", whilst continuing with a relaxing hobby through cross stitch. However, stitching aside, in our own life's course, we all have a long journey.  I hope for everybody that their own individual journey  becomes easier throughout the coming year.
As for the coming year, now its time to start planning for Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, especially as over here in England it will be on 15th March.  Straight after Christmas Day we did notice the supermarkets were already filling the shelves and advertising Easter Eggs (and I still have loads of Christmas Chocolate left).  So far I have started designing some small valentines cushions and will then move onto some medium sized ones too ready to advertise for sale.

Stitching News

Over the Christmas period, I was busy stitching..........sandbags on my sewing machine.  My daughter had a school project to make a World War 1 trench and I was cutting up a supermarket jute bag and stitching squares stuffed with wadding to help her out.  I also ended up making barbed wire for her from some picture wire and then cutting smaller pieces of wire to wrap around the long piece.  However, I did turn into a victim of my own making when it came to wrapping the barbed wire into circles.

They look like a breakfast cereal
The finished result
Close up of the sand bags, also the dreaded barbed wire
On my other stitching, I have now started Heavy Going Grizzly.  Its been sitting in my cupboard for a number of years and since we have been redecorating our hall and landing we have slowly sold off all the horse prints we had on the landing.  Downstairs now hold copies of my step-daughter's artwork on canvas and up the stairs (well 2 flights of stairs) due to the size of our house hold my cross stitches completed over the years.  We also had a mirror on our landing but that has also gone now and a space keeps reminding me to get on with another cross stitch to fill the gap.  I will start posting pictures of it as I make progress on it.  Perhaps that can be a New's Year's get it completed before the end of 2014!!

Many thanks for reading this blog and any comments received are very much appreciated.

Lisa xxx

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