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Wednesday, 8 February 2012

First Post

Welcome to my very first post.  After a four year absence completing my access course and social work degree I have finally returned to the world of cross-stitch.  However, still at the moment, the times I want to settle down and stitch I have either my two children (15 & 11) or two of the young people my husband and I foster (17 & 16) asking us to be permanent taxi drivers, cooks, cleaners etc.  As part of this first post I (hopefully) have uploaded photos of some of the past cross-stitch I have done and managed to keep within the household.  Currently I am completing a cross stitch of a photo I had taken when my two step-children were teenagers (now 25 & 26) and two children were 3 months old and 3 (now 11 & 15).  Hopefully (kids providing) I will be able to enter up a weekly log and show progress on my favourite and most relaxing past-time.  I hope that this log is found interesting, along with any ancedotes on trying to apply for my first social work role and why it is often said 'never work with children'.

I started this for my youngest daughter when she was 6 and starting ballet, I finally finished this in time for her this Christmas........after she stopped attending.  One good thing was she loves it.

Everybody loves a bit of pooh bear

This was Cassie my English Springer Spaniel, her pedigree name was Spring Fun....and she was.

My other love is horses, if I had the money I would have my own horse

Memories have now come back to me, as a new parent (single at the time) and snatching any available time when Ben was asleep to stitch

My current project, as you can see a slow process, I suppose its due to me choosing the 20" x 16" option instead of the smaller 10" x 8"


  1. Welcome to blogging! Welcome back to stitching, too. You've done some beautiful pieces, Lisa. And good luck with the job search!

    1. Thank you Meari, I have to admit whilst this is my first post I did enjoy writing it. As for the job search one application has been sent in and I have just finished updating my CV ready to be sent to agencies, so fingers crossed!!

  2. Your stitching is beautiful. And I am your first follower.

    1. Thank you Vicky, I have to admit I am yet to follow another blog, each time I try to go online to look something or someone here distracts me. I will have to start following blogs and create some 'me time' to do it.

  3. You have beautiful pieces! Congrats on your new blog.

  4. VERY lovely work!! Nice start on Blog also.
    Keep on going with both!!

    Love and Hugs!!

    1. Thanks Deborah, Now I have started on the blog....I wish I had started it ages ago.

  5. Very nice start, we get to know you and see some of what you have done. Very good idea.

  6. great start and welcome to blogging. Adore the ballerina and good luck on your photostitch, finished mine last year thank heaven!

    1. Thanks Jo, I have to admit I did enjoy stitching the ballerina, even stitching with the metallic threads around the boarder, as for the photostitch, when I first started it 9 years ago I kept saying to my husband each Christmas I would have it aim is (possibly) in time for Christmas 2013 to be framed and wrapped for him

  7. Great stitching. Welcome to the blog world.

  8. Welcome to blogging. Your cross stitching is beautiful!

  9. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. I know how hard it is to get stitching/crafting time with kids around, I have a 5 and 7 yr old who just love to stop mummy from sitting down.

    Your stitching is lovely

    1. Thank you, I have to admit whilst we have our 2 children and 2 looked after children we also have a 6 year old who has global developmental delay who comes to us for respite 3 times a week. I find when I do stitching its like being on the telephone......everybody wants your attention at once

  10. Great start to your blog Lisa.
    love your stitching works.

  11. welcome to blogging. Nice stitching

  12. Love the way your photo stitch picture is coming along. Know what you mean about kids I am meant to be resting my knee and not going up and down stairs. As soon as I get sat down someone wants something.

  13. Your blog is interesting. I love your completions and your current project. It all looks fabulous!

  14. Welcome to the blogland and congratulations on the comeback to the world of stitching. You've done some amazing pieces there, can't wait to see more of that picture of yours.

  15. Welcome to blog land lol.You have stitched some beautiful pieces!
    Good luck with the job!

    1. Beautiful work! The project of your children looks great so far!

      - Lisa N. in Cambodia
