Thanks for looking at my blog and all comments are appreciated

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Cushion Crazy, Work in Progress

This week has seen me going cushion crazy in preparation for Mother's Day which we celebrate in the UK in March.  I am hoping that both my mother and Steve's mother enjoy their gifts.

  Whilst making these, Steve got to suggesting I look into the popularity of cross stitch cushions to make for sale, especially now my years of studying are over with no possiblity of any social work vacancies on the horizon and everything is peaceful within the household (for once).   Looking online and talking to local craft stalls in the town centre I feel this would provide me with the opportunity being able to combine my hobby with a sideline, especially with both Steve and myself at home.  Due to this, it has meant my current work in progress has had to be put aside and I am feeling withdrawal symptoms, especially as I was getting so excited over my progress since January. 

This also leads me on to asking if readers to my blog would not mind, I would appreciate a few minutes being spent answering some questions which can be accessed by clicking on this link:

Other work in progress

When clearing out my sewing basket, I came across a small quilt  I started back when Victoria was about 6 years old.  My intention was to make it for her dolls pram, however since she is now past the age of dolls and prams it will have to wait until grandchildren arrive in years to come.  I suppose this will give me plenty of time to get it finished.   I love the brightness of the colours.  I have to admit, after studying for four years I have missed the creativity of sewing and cross stitching.  I also feel slightly guilty for not continuing with my current work in progress, especially as I was making good progress on it. 


I have also returned to reading, especially non academic books.   I am currently reading A Mother Like Alex -  based on an inspirational woman who adopted seven children, fostered an eighth child and is guardian to a ninth child.  What is even more inspirational is that seven of the children have Downs syndrome, one has a life-limiting condition and another child is autistic.  Alex decided at a young age that she did not want to  marry or have children of her own but instead fought bureauracy to adopt children with special needs which, at that time, in 1984 adoption was not an option for single women, let alone adopting children with disabilities.  This also coincided with a program I was watching last night also about young people with Downs syndrome and their transition to adulthood, the worries faced by the young people and their parents towards living in independence and the lack of support given within their care to help them achieve what other young people may take for granted. 

People often say to Steve and myself that we must be special to foster the children and young people over the past 10 years, but we only have them for a period of time.  Sometimes the young people we have had living here move on into independence, adoption or due to the harshness of life, just cannot cope within a family environment. To me the special people are the Alex's of this world who have devoted their whole lives to providing a  permanent loving home for young people who would have been regarded as 'unadoptable' and helped to change the discrimination these young people would have received had their life course been different.

On that note, I have no other snippets to add to my blog for this week, please feel free to leave any comments.   If you could spare a few minutes of your busy time to look at my survey and to answer the questions I will be so grateful, once again the link is


  1. Took you survey, like the quilt you found very colorful.

  2. Thanks Emily, your participation in my survey is greatly appreciated. The quilt is very colourful, unfortunately photographs never show the true colours.

  3. I took your survey. Good luck with your venture!

    1. Thanks Mab, I have to admit I have had a good response and am taking all feedback into consideration. The first 2 pillows were a prototype and am going to try with antique white to base the stitching on. As I said the survey is giving me a good start on whether or not the venture is a viable one and so far costing wise it works out well as a sideline on top of the fostering.

  4. Your pillows are really nice and like the quilt also.


    1. Thanks Marl, your comments are appreciated.

  5. I like your pillows. The quilt looks great, love the colors.

  6. Hi Lisa,
    Just took your survey, I think the cushions look fab... but i do think they need proper cushion inners, i think people would be prepared to pay more for that. You might be able to buy bulk on ebay. Also you could have the option to buy just the cushion cover, at a lower price point.
    You could also look at online selling through Folksy or Esty or both... i can show you how to set up shop. You really need a good camara and some photo editing softwhere like photoshop, fantastic photos really clinch sales. And you promote yourself through your blog, online forums and sites like craftjuice.
    Pay yourself a decent wage, at least £7.00 per hour, and your costings come out of that. Don't sell yourself cheap, people have to remember they are paying for a quality handmade item and some people are suspicous of too cheap things! Remember your target market and you are not selling to the primark or poundshop crowd!
    Sorry for the long post, hope it helps!

    1. Lol, had to laugh at the primark/poundshop reference. As for the cushion inners your dad & I both agreed on that and found some great ones on Ebay. Thanks Nat xxxxxx

  7. Something like this would be cheap...

  8. I really like your pillows. I much prefer home made gifts/products, they are so more personal.
    I took your survey.

  9. Thanks Kelly, I have to admit, home made are more personal. My mother still has the cross stitch Mother's day card I made her 20 years ago in a frame. When she received her cushion she was in tears. Also many thanks for participating in the survey, I thought this would give me an idea of whether I could make my hobby viable as there are no social work jobs available at the minute unless I work away during the week around the London area which I am not tempted of doing.
