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Friday, 18 January 2013

More Progress

After the last few weeks I am in the groove with stitching again.  I did wonder whether or not to move area and make a start on the remainder of Ben's face and get Natalie into the picture but in the end decided to continue where I was and try to get that part out of the way.    However, the dreaded confetti stitches, especially in light colours has not helped my eyes even with my daylight bulb.  

The Gap is getting Smaller
What also did not help me this week, on getting more stitching completed was firstly spending a day or two with my DH, Steve pulling up the hall carpet.  Our house was built in the late 1800's and still has the original cast iron fireplaces in most of the rooms.  We decided that the hall carpet needed to go and were thinking about tiling the hallway.  However, when we pulled the carpet and the underlay we did notice that the floorboards were in really good condition so we have started to sand them down to varnish instead.  A dusty and long job but after the first lot of sanding they are coming up pretty well.  Another problem was contracting conjunctivitis in both eyes and having to rely on eyedrops and bathing them each day.


With regards to my cushions, I have received another 3 orders, a birth, a wedding and a verse one so I am also going to be busy completing them.  Last month I also had a letter published in one of the UK magazines.  Since it started I have been purchasing Craftseller which promotes handmade crafts here in the UK for those who already do so and for those who want to learn new crafts.

No snow as yet? I talked that up!!!

Many of my friends both here in the UK and in America have been experiencing extreme snow conditions.   Until last night, here in Lowestoft on the east coast we only had an 'icing sugar' sprinkling of snow.  Whilst we have had heavy frost (which always intensifies when I am on the school run), we usually seem to be the forgotten area.  This morning I woke up to find 2 inches of snow outside, with 6 kids in 4 different schools and college (in 3 different towns) slowly news trickled in on the local radio.  Checking both Norfolk and Suffolk county websites for school closures it turned out that all of them ended up having a 'snow'day which saved me driving.  Whilst I have driven in the French Alps many times in the winter, I hate driving around Lowestoft in snow.   We also look like having a very white weekend here as more snow is expected especially on Sunday.

Until my next post, I hope everybody stays safe and warm in these wintery conditions xxx

Lisa xxx


  1. A snow day for that little bitty bit of snow??!! LOL, in Brooklyn, we trudged to school in that all winter long! Glad to hear that your pillows are becoming popular...good luck on that endeavor and wishing you success!

  2. Thanks Chris, as for the snow, its nothing like we used to have years ago when I was a kid growing up here. We seem to have a tiny sprinkling now and everything grinds to a halt. Too much health and safety nowadays. I can remember when we used to do ice runs in the playground at school.

  3. I remember making ice runs in the playground too Lisa, taking a run and sliding along as far as we could, and if we fell down we just got up and carried on. Now the schools send letters out to parents saying they 'can't guarantee the safety of the children in the playground' so they end up staying home.

    Well done on getting your letter published and getting more orders for your pillows; hope the conjunctivitis has cleared up, I've had it and it's not funny.
